Women, Gender & Sexuality is an interdisciplinary department in which students study gender and sexualities with an emphasis on transnational perspectives.

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Donor Support

WGS is pleased to announce that we have been awarded significant new support from one of our founding donors. We are very grateful for this donation, which was made “in acknowledgment of amazing achievements and to support continued growth.”

Speaker Dr. Mingwei Huang

In the new millennium, the storied return of the People’s Republic of China to the African continent and African migration to China have engendered novel configurations of global racial capitalism and empire. With new flows between China and South Africa also come new encounters, desires, and anxieties and changing ideas about racial Blackness, Chineseness, and whiteness. In this talk, Dr. Huang draws on ethnographic fieldwork on Chinese migration to South Africa to consider Han Chinese racial formations and anti-Black racism through intimacies, proximities, gender, and sexuality.


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In the News

Review of applications will begin January 16, 2024.

The Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality affirms the importance of respecting and supporting all students, faculty, and staff at the University of Virginia, including those of us who are transgender, nonbinary, or gender questioning.  We believe that maintaining the excellence of the Univer