Empowering Pathways: What is Possible with a WGS Major?

  • Marketing Assistant for National Museum of Women in the Arts

  • Lobbyist for the ACLU

  • Public Relations Associate for Girls Ink online magazine

  • Development Associate for non-profit organizations

  • Employee for International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children

  • Screenwriter

  • Employee for American Bar Association, working on CEDAW issues (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women)

  • Lawyer

  • Legislative Assistant on Capitol Hill

  • Analyst for Democratic polling and consulting firm

  • Fundraiser for domestic violence shelter

  • Communications Director for Greenpeace

  • Social worker

  • Director of Communications at United Way

  • Staff at a battered women's shelter

  • Affirmative Action Officer

  • Family counselor

  • Women's health coordinator

  • Clinical therapist

Find out more!





Selected Publications:

“The Episcopal Career of Gregory of Elvira” Journal of Ecclesiastical History (to appear April 2014).

“The Patristic Reception of Luke and Acts: Scholarship, Theology and Moral Exhortation in the Homilies of Origen and John Chrysostom”, in Issues in Luke-Acts (ed. S. Adams and M. Pahl; Gorgias Press, 2012), pp. 263-86.


Lisa Shutt is an Associate Professor in the Carter G. Woodson Institute for African American and African Studies. She earned her Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology at the University of Virginia in 2010 after earning her M.A. at the University of Chicago. Before her appointment to the Department of African American and African Studies, Shutt served as an Association Dean and taught for several years in UVA’s Department of Anthropology and in several of the University’s interdisciplinary programs including Women, Gender & Sexuality, Global Development Studies, and Media Studies.  Ms.


Selected Publication

Sissy Insurgencies: A Racial Anatomy of Unfit Manliness (Duke UP), Forthcoming

Manning the Race, New York University Press, 2004

The Contours of Masculine Desire, Oxford University Press, 1989



Selected Publications

The Interethnic Imagination: Roots and Passages in Contemporary Asian American Fiction, Oxford University Press, 2009

The Daughter’s Return: African-American and Caribbean Women's Fictions of History, Oxford University Press, 2001


Andrea Press is the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Media Studies and Sociology at the University of Virginia, where she also served as Executive Director of the Virginia Film Festival, a College Fellow, and is currently Chair of the Department of Media Studies. Press is a Fellow of the International Communication Association. She came to the University of Virginia in 2006 to shepherd the Media Studies Program to departmental status and to begin its M.A. and Ph.D. graduate programs.


She is the author of Ovid's Causes: Cosmogony and Aetiology in the Metamorphoses(Michigan, 1994) a commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses 14 (Cambridge, 2009), and articles on Ovid, Roman Elegy, Roman gardens, and Statius. Her current research interests include ancient garden literature, gender, and the poetics of commencement.

Selected Publications



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Eric Klinenberg—Helen Gould Shepard Professor in the Social Sciences at New York University and contributor to magazines including The New Yorker and The New York Review of Books—discusses his book 2020: One City, Seven People, and the Year Everything Change