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Comprehensive List of Affiliated Courses

Comprehensive List of Affiliated Courses for WGS

Below is the list of  classes in other departments that may count as electives for the WGS major or minor. Download a PDF of this list here. Please email with any questions.

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African American Studies

AAS 2224 Black Femininities and Masculinities in the US Media

AAS 3000 Women and Religion in Africa

AAS 3500 Rethinking Race & Gender

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ANTH 2420 Language and Gender

ANTH 3129 Marriage, Mortality, and Fertility

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Art History

ARTH 3491 Women Photographers and Feminist Aesthetics

ARTH 2769: Queer Histories of American Art, 1950s to 1990s

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CLAS 3040 Women and Gender in Ancient Greece and Rome

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Comparative Literature

CPLT 3750 Women, Childhood, Autobiography

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DRAM 3030 Dramaturgy

DRAM 4592 Queer Performance

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ENAM 3250 Black Women Writers

ENAM 3750 Sex and Sentiment

ENEC 3200 18th Century Women Writers

ENGL 4560 Contemporary Women's Texts

ENGL 4580 Feminist Criticism and Theory

ENLT 2552 Women in Literature

ENMC 3160 20th Century Women Writers

ENSP 3620 Modern Women Writers

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HIUS 3150 Salem Witch Trials: History and Literature

HIUS 3611 History of Gender & Sexuality to 1865

HIUS 3612 History of Gender & Sexuality, 1865 to the Present

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Languages in Translation Courses

ARTR 3350 Introduction to Arab Women's Literature

CHTR 3840 Writing Women in Modern China

GETR 3750 Women, Childhood, Autobiography

JPTR 3290 Feminine Fictions in Japanese Court Literature

KRTR 3390 Gender in Modern and Contemporary Korea

SATR 3000 Women Writing in India & Pakistan: 1947 - Present

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Media Studies

MDST 3306 Sexulality, Gender, Class and Race in Teen Film

MDST 3409 LGBTQ Issues in the Media

MDST 4200 Sex and Gender Go to the Movies

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MUSI 3010 Studies in Early Modern Music 1500-1700

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PHIL 3780 Reproductive Ethics

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PLCP 4200 Feminist Political Thought

PLCP 4840 Gender Politics in Africa

PLPT 4200 Feminist Political Theory

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PSYC 3450 Psychology of Women and Gender

PSYC 3559 Psychology of Black Identity

PSYC 4603 Psychology of Sexual Orientation

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RELA 3000 Women and Religion in Africa

RELB 3150 Buddhism and Gender

RELC 3150 Salem Witch Trials: History and Literature

RELC 4610 Sex and Morality

RELJ 3390 Jewish Feminism

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SOC 2052 Sociology of the Family

SOC 2320 Gender and Society

SOC 4350 Comparative Gender Stratification

SOC 4600 Gender and Culture

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SPAN 4310 Latin American Women Writers from 1900 to the Present

SPAN 4500 Transgender Studies in the Americas

SPAN 4620 Hispanic Women Writers

SPAN 4621 Latin American Women Poets