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Doug Meyer

Associate Professor of Women, Gender & Sexuality
Office Address
204 Levering Hall
PO Box 400172
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4172
Office Hours
Spring 2025: Monday/Wednesday 6:15-7pm, Friday 2-3:30pm, and By Appointment


B.A., Albion College
Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center


Meyer, Doug.  2022.  Violent Differences: The Importance of Race in Sexual Assault against Queer Men.  Oakland: University of California Press.

Meyer, Doug.  2015.  Violence against Queer People: Race, Class, Gender, and the Persistence of Anti-LGBT Discrimination.  New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Recent Journal Articles:

Meyer, Doug.  Forthcoming.  “Constructing Hierarchies of Victimhood: Queer Male Survivors’ Evaluations of Sexual Assault Survivors.” Sexualities (published online, ahead of print, doi: 10.1177/13634607211060502).

Meyer, Doug.  2022.  “Racializing Emasculation: An Intersectional Analysis of Queer Men’s Evaluations of Sexual Assault.”  Social Problems 69(1): 39-57. 

Meyer, Doug.  2020.  “‘So Much for Protect and Serve’: Queer Male Survivors’ Perceptions of Negative Police Experiences.”  Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 36(2): 228-250.

Meyer, Doug.  2020.  “Omar Mateen as U.S. Citizen, Not Foreign Threat: Homonationalism and LGBTQ Online Representations of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting.”  Sexualities 23(3): 249-268.

Meyer, Doug.  2020.  “An Intersectional Analysis of LGBTQ Online Media Coverage of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting Victims.”  Journal of Homosexuality 67(10): 1343-1366.