Lauren S. Kaufmann
Assistant Professor of Business Administration
Faculty Office Building, 195B
Darden School of Business, University of Virginia
100 Darden Boulevard, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Dr. Kaufmann is an Assistant Professor of Business Administration in the Strategy, Ethics & Entrepreneurship area at the Darden School of Business. A business ethicist by training, she uses both normative and empirical methods in her research on contemporary issues in business ethics, including social & environmental impact, impact investing, and feminist approaches to organizing.
Lauren Kaufmann & Robbin Derry. (2024). “On Valuing Women: Advancing an Intersectional Theory of Gender Diversity in Organizations.” Academy of Management Review. https://journals.aom.org/doi/10.5465/amr.2021.0382
Lauren Kaufmann. (2022). “Feminist Epistemology and Business Ethics.” Business Ethics Quarterly, 32(4): 546-572. https://doi.org/10.1017/beq.2021.33