The Edge of Sex

Navigating a Sexually Confusing Culture From The Margins
Saturday, April 17, 2021 to Saturday, July 17, 2021
Saturdays at 12pm PST/ 1pm MST / 2pm CST / 3pm EST

WGS faculty Lisa Speidel and Micah Jones are co-authors of The Edge of Sex, and have created a speaker series as an opportunity for the writers to talk about their chapters and their personal narratives. The event will be hosted by Bianca Laureano's social justice program Ante Up! For more information about Bianca Laureano, please check out her website at She also wrote the forward to our book!

The schedule and all program information with cost, registering etc. can be found on this webpage:

There is a cost for these workshops because we felt it was important for marginalized voices to be supported with a thriving wage. 90% of payment goes to the speakers themselves, and 10% to support the work of Ante Up! For more information on Ante Up, check out