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Lisa Speidel

Associate Professor, Women, Gender & Sexuality
Office Address
207 Levering Hall
PO Box 400172
Charlottesville, VA 22904
Office Hours
Spring 2025: Tuesday, 2:00-4:30pm, and By Appointment


B.A., Earlham College
M.Ed., University of Virginia
Ph.D., University of Virginia


Lisa Speidel is an Associate Professor, General Faculty and is also a Certified Sexuality Educator (CSE) through the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT). Lisa teaches Human Sexualities; Men and MasculinitiesGender Violence and Social Justice; Pleasure Activism; Race and Power in Gender and Sexuality Studies; Gender and Sexuality Studies and Streaming Sexualities

Her book The Edge of Sex: Navigating a Sexually Confusing Culture from the Margins was published by Routledge in 2019. This anthology explores often overlooked and excluded identities in sex education in America, with pieces on sexuality and disabilities, survivors of assault, sex work as women of color, kink and BDSM, being Muslim and queer, reproductive rights, and the challenges of culture and identity when grappling with gender fluidity and gendered expectations.

Lisa has worked locally and nationally as an educator for over 30 years, with a focus on examining the role of masculinity, healthy sexuality, gender based violence, and the intersection of racism and other forms of oppression. She is the winner of the All University Teaching Award in 2020 and the UVA Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award in 2023.  She also has been teaching women’s self-defense for over 30 years. Along with two colleagues, she is developing a new self-defense program that focuses specifically on acquaintance assault. For more information about this class, see this article she wrote for UVA's Engagement Program:

Lisa's new book, Bisexuality Beyond Binaries: Celebrating Multiple Bisexual Identities in a World of Erasure will be published by Routledge at the end of 2024. 

 Some of Lisa Speidel's Publications:

Speidel, Lisa and Micah Jones, (December, 2019) The Edge of Sex: Navigating a Sexually Confusing Culture From The Margins, New York: Rutledge. 

Speidel, Lisa (2014) My Hips, Butt and Thighs Are My Friends, Huffington Post, April 24.

Speidel, Lisa (2014) Exploring the Intersection of Race and Gender in Self-Defense Training, Violence Against Women, March 2014, vol. 20 no. 3 309-325.

Speidel, Lisa and Jason Jones, (2013) Mentoring Masculinities at the University of Virginia (publication in the ACPA Standing Committee for Men & Masculinities (SCMM) and NASPA Men and Masculinities Knowledge Community's joint newsletter, The Changing Faces of College Men)